Help your game. Help the Environment.
The Base:
When possible Home Green Advantage uses Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) which is a substitute for crushed rock for the foundation of the Green. There is no depletion of earth’s resources by using this material.
In addition, by using recycled materials we help minimize the material that would normally be put into landfill areas. The RCA has a compaction rate and stability equal to or better than crushed rock or gravel. Thus, the base of our greens will keep their integrity over time.
The Turf:
By choosing our Premium Synthetic turf you will not have to water that portion of your lawn, thus not depleting our precious water supply. There will also be no need for mowing, therefore no noise or air pollution from lawn mowers. Of course there is no need for fertilizers, fungicides or pesticides, which can directly affect the health of you and your family. Turf fibers and backing are made with post consumer recycled materials. The turf itself will never decompose, erode or fade - even in extreme conditions - and is made from recyclable materials. This material is environmentally friendly and of the highest quality available. The entire turf (both surface and backing) are water permeable, allowing water to flow freely and naturally into the ground.
HGA uses both sand infill for the turf and recycled rubber products (which is made from discarded ground up tires) that provides shock absorbency for both the optimum performance of the golf ball and your feet. Even our accessories are eco-friendly.
The Accessories:
Most of our supplies (cups, flags, rakes, signage and even benches) are manufactured from materials that are recycled (primarily from plastic bottles and containers) and environmentally friendly. They are virtually maintenance free and are impervious to the elements, do not rust, corrode or ever need painting.
The Facts on Basic Lawn Care & The Environment:
Taking care of your lawn is a long, tedious process that never seems to end. It seems like you’re always doing something to maintain your healthy lawn. But did you know that all of that watering, fertilizing and mowing could actually be doing more harm than good? Take into consideration the following:
Lawn mowers pollute as much in an hour as 40 late model cars.
Lawn and garden equipment users inadvertently spill 17 million gallons of fuel each year while refilling their outdoor power equipment. That’s more petroleum than was spilled by the Exxon Valdez in the Gulf of Alaska.
Grass clippings by weight are the single biggest contributor of methane gas of all materials discarded in landfills. Methane gas is a potent greenhouse gas which when released to the atmosphere contributes to global warming.
1,700 gallons of water is used to water a lawn in a single day by one metropolitan area. That is seven times more water consumed than washing dishes, taking showers, washing clothes, cooking, drinking and leaky toilets combined.
Excess watering not only reduces the water supply, but the excess run-off could carry fertilizers and other harmful products into the water supply. Fertilizers and pesticides are some of the leading contributors to ground water contamination. Half of all Americans and 95% of rural Americans use ground water for drinking.